
Emily Jones

The March Featured Poet is Emily Jones

Please feel free to email Emily at: emilyracheljones306@gmail.com

Emily Jones


The moon rises into the air and sheds her cloudy cloak
Venomous eyes searching the surface down below
She howls with rage and calls upon the dark essence of Death
Her grieving heart set to kill his cruel and malicious ways
Suddenly, the streets shriek and begin to rip like paper
Concrete flying in every direction until she spies what lies below
She abandons the sky and throws herself at Hell’s veil
Pounding on the glowing sheet that separates her from her Will
Silver tears pour down her face as Death cackles at his last taunt
But lets out a thunderous cry that shook the dead in their graves
Let Death be cursed and his takings watched
For the world shall remain in darkness until his reign comes to an end
You will pay
Mark my words!


Tears fall down like shards of glass
Cutting into her feet as she weeps
She stands alone as it starts to pour
Tangled hair saturated in salty despair
Watching as life crumbles away
Hollow heart drowning in regret
Shaky limbs walk away
Body hypnotized by a twisted siren
And stumbles towards the icy rocks
Death sweetly calling her name
Broken soul dulling through wet eyes
Weak ankles slip on dark sludge
And she tumbles down below
Head splitting on a sharp boulder
As crimson stains the foaming ocean
One last drop drips down her cheek
A lifetime of hurt behind the glistening silence


Misery consumes my life as the mask falls from your face
That beautifully carved lie shattering before my eyes
As I walk across the bed of glass, reality inflicts its last truth like pain
The soul I once held closest in its darkest colors
Goodness rubs off in my hand in ripples of smeared paint
Soon becoming rotten in texture as the last layers peel away
I stand back from the stranger I once knew and heave a painful gasp
Watching the beauty drain from your eyes and turn to lumps of ash
My heart has been slain and my world destroyed
And I grieve with a single tear as my knees collapse


Hidden desires of peace remain forever inside my damned soul
Days of light and warmth are long gone behind me
As I think of the darkness ahead, a shudder takes over
And I fall to my knees in desperation for this misery to end
Wind whips my throat in malice
Biting into my flesh like a deadly snake
Tortured heart in chains deep inside metallic slumber
I hold my hopes close before they drift away
And lie down in the cold bed the world has left for me

A teacher’s lesson of similes and metaphors inspired Emily to write, her love of words and descriptions quickly transforming into poetry. She obtains inspiration from almost anywhere and when she has the urge to write, she grabs a notebook or opens up a new word document and her fingers start typing. 
Although she has a broad interest in most genres, her poetry tends to be dark.

She would like to be recognized as an accomplished writer and perhaps publish a collection one day.