The Horror Zine
By Chance
Bernard Dumaine

All of the artwork on this page has been created by Bernard Dumaine, who is our February Editor's Pick

Please visit Bernard at:


Bernard Dumaine

Les Charmeurs

Karenaleda Hands On

Broken Wall

ECedler 001

Secret Offering
















Bernard Dumaine is a French artist, most well known for his works in the surrealism and photorealism styles. He works in a variety of media, including oil paints, acrylic paints, graphite pencil, digital painting, digital collage, and video.

Please see Bernard's bio at:

Collaboration credits:

Birds of a Feather, Exquisite corpse with Karena Karras
Hands On, Exquisite corpse with Janelle McKain
Broken Wall, Exquisite corpse with Almanegra
Secret Offering, Exquisite corpse with Almanegra
Music's Over, Exquisite corpse with Germain St-Onge
Les charmeurs de serpents,Exquisite corpse with Patrick Chaudesaigues
Wonder Wall, Exquisite corpse with Sally Hunter
Near Death Experience, Exquisite corpse with Christian Edler, and The fallacy of panacea, Exquisite corpse with Joe MacGown

Wonder Wall


Music's Over