Marc Carver

The May Featured Poet is Marc Carver

Please feel free to email Marc at: kronski669@yahoo.co.uk



A coffin goes up an escalator
the back is pushed up and the front straightens to the sky
There is no name on the coffin
no way to know if anybody is inside or not.
Head or feet at the front.
When it gets to the top
it pushes itself mostly off
just a slight motion as it rocks
and the escalator keeps pushing it.
People go up it but they are still
their heads pushed down.
When they get to the top they walk past it 
but don't acknowledge it at all.
It is like it is meant to be there
maybe to remind people
in the end 
we all want to look away from the inevitable.


As I sit next to the young woman in the south bank center,
I think for the second time today 
Wouldn’t it be better to keep people in zoos 
rather than animals 
after all 
what strange creatures they are.


I sit with my eyes closed 
my head and feet moving 
around people must think I am listening to some symphony in my mind 
but there is no music 


I told him I loved him
yeah yeah you told me that already, he said.
How many people will say that to you in your life 
I struggled to get it out of me
I couldn’t even tell you how many have said it to me
but it can’t be many.
I used to tell everybody I loved them
but of course 
I only had to wait 
to find out what they thought of me

Marc Carver has published some ten collections of poems and performed around the world but his biggest fear is to sit in a room with poets and listen to them reading their poems.