
Saloni Kaul

The November Selected Poet is Saloni Kaul

Please feel free to email Saloi at skaul57@yahoo.com



Straight upright in position lotus, all those points about he correlates.
Within he vanishes, swift enters self, the rising energy exacerbates. 
Dissociating all himself from time and space, the Sage then levitates.


More love for this burden than for ethereal first sight
More sequels to the offshoot than for trenchant sprung originality’s first bite
More brash corollaries to sequence than effectual patent rights

More time for aeons than we care to stop a moment for
More wool pulled over the eyes than at deception’s door
More weight for trolley than raises movement's floor

More woolly, floaty fleece for market than coats little lamb
More definition for thought line than for symmetrical iamb
More weighty purpose in message than in apothecary's dram 

More sense for reason than touchstone for this heart's sigh
More pyrotechnics for the crowds than meets exposition display's eye
More supraliminal recognition for mundane prophecy than for true wisdom highs

More shade for sorrow than contained in veil of a tear
More strong fortune for that teller than planet retrograde to the rear
More arcs for the rainbow's circle than that lot orbiting sphere

More loud fanfares for invisible angels than man’s all creative productions
More allurement in heightened veils than in prime overt seduction
More dash in those crescendi grand finales than charm of that introduction

ARCH DEFLECTOR (or Dictatorial Deflections)

Thrive in your worlds of velvet and glamour,
Turn a deaf ear to those protests and pleas,
Rise well above cadres of chaos, cries and voices’ clamour
To ironhandedly rule realms from towers to the screes.


Away from you, away from there,
The heart’s in home precincts
Election Day or any other comparable fare;
Like casting my absentee ballot...
To vote then by snail or by dart speed mail
Honed by those far from blunt instincts
That still can at long distance tell what's where
Sharp as smelt sliced shallots
And quite incessantly pound the palate.

I send you this as cargo by road and by rail,
Dreams packed for you come shine or hail,
Quite irrespective of whether you lead or trail.

Saloni Kaul, author and poet, was first published at the age of ten and has been in print since. As critic and columnist, Saloni has enjoyed thirty-seven years of being published. Her first volume, a fifty-poem collection, was published in the USA in 2009. Subsequent volumes include Universal One and Essentials All