The Horror Zine
Sad One
Joseph Patrick McFarlane

All of the artwork on this page has been created by Joseph Patrick McFarlane who is our October Editor's Pick

Please feel free to email Joseph at:

Joseph Patrick McFarlane


The Orbs

The Great Hall

Through the Eye

Spirit of Ardenia

Sleeping Lions



Joseph Patrick McFarlane was born in 1949 in Toronto, Ontario Canada.  While attending Central Technical Art College in Toronto, Ontario, he studied studio criteria and art history plus field research, and then attended Emily Carr in Vancouver BC. Joseph has a degree in the fine arts and in Inter-media and Multi media.

Joseph's artwork takes on personal views from everyday thoughts and ideas as well as dreams that have signification meaning for him. He creates things he sees around him, inspirations from other art, and just overall life's experiences that are part of everyone's childhood and adult culture. Having engaged in subjects as diverse as what he has seen during his traveling days, including music of many kinds and architecture; his work reflects all of that with familiar visual signs, and he arranges them into new conceptually layered pieces.

Many mediums are always considered, but mostly pencil, crayon, and pen and ink as well as water colors are used. In working in these mediums, Joseph has arrived to what shows the most from his thoughts when doing art. He is always considering using other mediums such as acrylics and oils on large canvases, but at the moment, space restricts that but he intends to work out that problem very soon. In the meanwhile, Joseph enjoys the drawings he currently creates.

A Woman's Secret

The Turkish Merchant District

As Planets Go By